The 4 Types of Quality Dental Crowns You Can Get in Makati

When you hear about dental crowns, you’ll either think about a ceramic or porcelain crown in general as they’re very popular to people looking for ways to beautify their teeth. Ceramic and porcelain crowns are mostly recommended in dental clinics around Makati for their natural and pleasing aesthetic.

Ceramic and porcelain crowns are the most-used dental crown types, but there are more durable choices in high-end dental clinics around Makati which are worth the price for their durability.

Just remember that expensive doesn’t mean ‘best’. There is no best dental crown that fits all purposes so let’s be practical and show you each type of crown and find out what it’s best used for.

Types of Dental Crowns and Their Purpose

Stainless Steel Crown

These are mostly used as a temporary measure to protect children’s primary teeth. It covers the entire tooth from further decay and stays on until the permanent tooth grows out. It’s a cost-effective solution if you only need to protect your teeth.

Metal Crown

These crowns are made using high content of gold, silver, or a mixture of base-metals. These crowns are built tough to withstand biting and chewing. They rarely chip and last the longest amount of time against wear. Since their color is very noticeable, they’re more suitable for out-of-sight molars.

Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown

It’s a type of dental crown that is durable and can be made to match the color of the adjacent tooth. It looks normal except for the metal underlying the crown’s porcelain and is much more evident when your gums recede. It’s a good choice for front and back teeth, but care is advised as the porcelain part can chip or break off.

All Resin Crown

It’s the least expensive kind of dental crown but they wear down over time and are prone to fractures. Good to have on a tight budget.


Ceramic and porcelain crowns are great for all-around use, the color looks much more natural compared to other dental crowns, and readily available in most dental clinics in Makati. This is also good for those who have metal allergies.

Choose the One You Really Need

These are the types that you need to know about, but it’s a sound idea to have an appointment with your dentist to let you know what will work best depending on your dental health. It’s just good to know that there are other existing options just in case you’re on a tight budget. Here’s to a healthier set of teeth and a brighter smile!


How to brush your teeth with braces?

When you are wearing braces, oral hygiene is important. Since braces have tiny spaces, food particles may be trapped. Also, improper cleaning of teeth may cause enamel staining and tooth decay around the bands and brackets.

Once you have braces, make sure you brush your teeth properly, after every meal and used a soft bristle toothbrush. Take time to floss your teeth. Visit your dentist regularly to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

5 Daily Braces Care Routines

1. Prepare to Brush, take off all the removable parts of orthodontic appliance.
2. Clean your braces using a toothbrush at a 45 degree angle.
3. Brush the teeth in about 2 minutes.
4. Floss your teeth once a day.
5. Rinse and examine your teeth.

For more information, visit your dentist or visit Estetico Manila teeth whitening.


5 mistakes we do when we brush our teeth

It’s in our habit to brush our teeth every meal or 3 times a day, but are we sure we do the right brushing or we choose the right toothbrush? See below the mistakes we do accidentally.

brushing teeth the right way

1. We used hard bristles

Hard bristles can damage the tooth enamel and irritate the gum, that’s why most dentists recommended to use a soft bristle toothbrush

2. We brush too hard

Putting too much force while brushing can harm your gum even if you are using a soft bristle toothbrush. And also, this might cause of splaying of bristles.

3. We do not do the 2 minute rule

We should brush our teeth 2-3 times a day, at least 2 minutes per session but we do it in a short time.

4. We disregard the tongue

We should also include brushing our teeth, if we didn’t the bacteria on the tongue will be spreading out even we brush our teeth. Make sure you brush the front and back.

5. We store the toothbrush in a case

We think that having a case can protect our toothbrush from germs or bacteria, but actually bacteria are in the case. Also, don’t toss your toothbrush in the faucet or dishwasher it can damage the bristles.

See your Makati Dentist for more information.


How to have a white and beautiful smile?

Teeth Whitening Makati

Tooth Whitening or Dental Bleaching is a regular system in dentistry. Tooth Whitening can restore the common tooth shade while dental blanching whitens past the characteristic color. There are many whitening systems and products that are available in market, including whitening toothpastes, over-the-counter gels, rinses, strips, trays, and whitening products obtained from a dentist.

Here are some tips regards to how you maintain your smile clear.

Whitening toothpaste is the usual we use after we eat. Whitening toothpaste can uproot surface stains. Whitening Toothpaste has a unique abrasives that delicately clean the teeth and Chemicals that help break down or break up stains.


Whitening strips offer methods by which the teeth whitening process might be performed without the utilization of an unbending blanching tray. The peroxide-based science included with the utilization of whitening strips is basically the same as that utilized by tray teeth whitening frameworks; however the whitener is held in contact with the tooth surface by means of the utilization of a cement plastic strip as opposed to by a tray.


Teeth Whitening flushes could be adequate in supplementing the at-home over-the-counter tooth whitening process. Commonly, these mouth flushes expect to rouse breath and administer a shining grin between whitening medicines. The best opportunity to flush with whitening mouthwashes is after day by day brushing and flossing schedules and in conjunction with a tooth whitening process or upkeep. Some whitening mouthwashes hold fluoride, which serves to battle tooth affectability and decay.


Tray teeth whitening settles on a superb decision for the individuals who jump at the chance to do things themselves. The normal tray-based teeth whitening framework (as those administered by dental specialists to their patients) includes the utilization of clear plastic trays (termed “custom” trays) that have been created and balanced so they fit agreeably over the patient’s teeth. These whitening trays are then sent home with the patient plus an amount fading gel (normally a 10% carbamide peroxide whitener).


Expert in-office teeth’s whitening is the most in vogue nonessential dental method on the planet today. Unlike home-utilization whitening frameworks that fuse low-dosage blanching operators, in-office whitening (otherwise called force dying, power whitening, expert whitening or chair side whitening) happens under precisely checked conditions which take into account the sheltered, regulated, torment free utilization of a generally high convergence of fading gel – yielding comes about that are unmistakable immediate.


If you are confused, you may visit your dentist or visit Teeth Whitening Makati for more information about this topic. Have a better smile ahead!


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