5 mistakes we do when we brush our teeth

It’s in our habit to brush our teeth every meal or 3 times a day, but are we sure we do the right brushing or we choose the right toothbrush? See below the mistakes we do accidentally.

brushing teeth the right way

1. We used hard bristles

Hard bristles can damage the tooth enamel and irritate the gum, that’s why most dentists recommended to use a soft bristle toothbrush

2. We brush too hard

Putting too much force while brushing can harm your gum even if you are using a soft bristle toothbrush. And also, this might cause of splaying of bristles.

3. We do not do the 2 minute rule

We should brush our teeth 2-3 times a day, at least 2 minutes per session but we do it in a short time.

4. We disregard the tongue

We should also include brushing our teeth, if we didn’t the bacteria on the tongue will be spreading out even we brush our teeth. Make sure you brush the front and back.

5. We store the toothbrush in a case

We think that having a case can protect our toothbrush from germs or bacteria, but actually bacteria are in the case. Also, don’t toss your toothbrush in the faucet or dishwasher it can damage the bristles.

See your Makati Dentist for more information.